Thursday, July 27, 2017

10 ideas for how to be unreliable

10 ideas for how to be unreliable
  1. Be late
  2. Lie
  3. Do not keep your word (close to lying, but not the same thing)
  4. Assume instead of finding out all the necessary things
  5. Do not have a schedule
  6. Do not have a back-up system
  7. Have too many things to do at once
  8. Keeping your home very untidy
  9. Do not use checklists
  10. Get into flow state when you need to be somewhere else


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

10 ideas for insanities you should avoid

10 ideas for insanities you should avoid
  1. Thinking you are always right
  2. Thinking what works today will work in the future
  3. Thinking your side wins when the incentives of the other people are different
  4. Thinking talking is more important than action
  5. Thinking talent is everything
  6. Thinking you can everything as fast as the other people
  7. Thinking doing the same thing will give you a different result
  8. Thinking the most important word is Yes. Truth is it is No.
  9. Thinking life should be fair. It never is, get over it!
  10. Thinking reasoning will win the feelings

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

10 ideas for being more creative

10 ideas for being more creative
  1. Walk in the forest
  2. Change one thing to your road to work
  3. Travel somewhere you have never been
  4. Walk in the busy neighborhood
  5. Meet somebody you have never seen before
  6. Try a new hobby
  7. Go to the place where there are lots of artists
  8. Listen to a music genre you have never listened
  9. Say yes to almos everything for a one day
  10. Get a hangover, but not a bad one


Monday, July 24, 2017

10 ideas 24.4

10 more ideas for 10 ideas
  1. 10 ideas for how to be more creative
  2. 10 ideas for insanities you should avoid
  3. 10 ideas for not being unreliable
  4. 10 ideas for what you shouldn´t do for others
  5. 10 ideas for what you should do for others
  6. 10 ideas for how to be wiser
  7. 10 ideas for having a better sleeping routine
  8. 10 ideas for people you should´t listen
  9. 10 ideas to have better weekends
  10. 10 ideas for how to write better

Sunday, July 23, 2017

10 ideas 22.7 and 23.7

10 ideas for people whose books you should read
  1. Garry Kasparov
  2. Daniel Levitin
  3. Ryan Holiday
  4. Nassim Taleb
  5. Timothy Ferris
  6. Anders Ericsson
  7. Robert Cialdini
  8. Walter Isaacsson
  9. Steven Kotler
  10. Tom Rath
10 ideas for crappy TV shows
  1. Lets put some losers into place X for weeks and give them all the booze they can drink
  1. Lets watch the paint dry
  2. The Finnish Soccer team, the road to world cup
  3. Watching the Average Joe´s life 24/7
  4. Watching Donald Trump´s Twitter feed 24/7
  5. Watching me build a house
  6. Watching Finnish cities during the midsummer night festival
  7. Watching politicians´explanations why they betrayed their voters 24/7.
  8. Watching a starving artist´s working many hours a day
  9. Watching a housekeepers work in a normal house 24/7


Friday, July 21, 2017

10 ideas 18.7-20.7

10 ideas for not failing to come up ten ideas a day
  1. Do not drink beer before you have done your 10 ideas
  2. Do not leave your notepad at home before you leave your home for a longer time
  3. Have time reserved in your calendar for ideas
  4. Do not forget availability bias while designing a habit for having 10 ideas every day
  5. Buy a back-up notebook
  6. Sleep enough
  7. Relax enough during the day before coming up with 10 ideas
  8. Have a system for doing 10 ideas
  9. Have an accountability partner
  10. Do a public announcement for making 10 ideas every day
10 ideas for systems to build
  1. Sleeping routine
  1. Go to work/school system
  2. Investing
  3. Getting a feedback loop for skill building
  4. For shopping groceries
  5. For inventing 10 ideas a day
  6. For learning new things
  7. For doing some kind of exercise every day
  8. For monitoring your time on screen
  9. Decision making
10 ideas for making better decisions
  1. Keeping a good glucose level
  2. Sleep enough
  3. Have breaks during the day
  4. Have routines to keep the amount of decisions low
  5. Do not forget reciprocity bias
  6. Design an environment in which you have no triggers for bad decisions
  7. Do not make decisions too late during the day, especially the most important ones
  8. No decisions in bad mood
  9. Think what happened in similar situations before
  10. Think further ahead
10 ideas for identifying false authorities
  1. They talk much without saying anything
  2. They put too much effor on appearance
  3. They use complex language/jargon
  4. They believe there is only one reason for big success
  5. They never admit they are wrong
  6. They think themselves they were right even when they were wrong
  7. They think there is only one way of doing things
  8. They don´t know how to adapt into changing conditions
  9. There is secrets about their financiers
  10. They tell you what you want to hear


Monday, July 17, 2017

10 ideas for 16.7 and 17.7

10 ideas for making less mistakes
  1. Do not look only the evidence that supports your thoughts
  2. Think more what people do instead of thinking what they say
  3. Do not think there is only one way to do things
  4. Think big things happen only because of one single reason
  5. Do not think experts are always right
  6. Do not think someone can predict the future
  7. Do not think you know everything
  8. Do not think you can always find the answer with Google
  9. Do not think you always have to do something
  10. Do not think grass is greener on the other side of the fence

10 ideas for what you should get rid off

  1. Most of your old school books
  1. All the unused clothes
  2. All the unused electronic devices
  3. All the unused phone numbers
  4. All the sports equipment you haven´t used for a while
  5. All the ads you have at home
  6. All the thoughts about things science has not explained
  7. All the old newspapers
  8. All the unnecessary favorites in web browser
  9. All the friends who are not good for you


Saturday, July 15, 2017

10 ideas for books you should read

10 ideas for books you should read
  1. Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy
  2. Daniel Levitin, The Organized Mind
  3. Michael Moss, Salt, Sugar Fat
  4. Anders Ericsson, Robert Pool, Peak
  5. Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto
  6. Daniel Kahnemann, Thinking Fast and Slow
  7. Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit
  8. Daniel Levitin, a Field Guide to Lies and Statistics
  9. Teresa Amabile, Robert Cramer, The Progress Principle
  10. Steven Kotler, The Rise of the Superman

Friday, July 14, 2017

10 ideas for psychological biases you should understand

10 ideas for psychological biases you should understand
  1. Availability bias
  2. Authority bias
  3. Consistency bias
  4. Scarcity bias
  5. Social Proof
  6. Association bias
  7. Endowment effect
  8. Liking bias
  9. Overconfidence
  10. Unity bias


Thursday, July 13, 2017

10 ideas for what you should avoid while you are working

10 ideas for what not to do while working
  1. Multitasking
  2. Checking email during your most productive hours
  3. Keep the volume high on your phone unless you have to
  4. Yell to a client
  5. Complain
  6. Not having breaks
  7. Social media
  8. Trade with stocks
  9. Talk to your annoying colleague when you don´t have to
  10. Watch TV

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

10 ideas for what you shouldn´t do on vacation

10 ideas for 12.7.2017
  1. Open your zipper on the rowing boat while standing up
  2. To stay at home for the whole day without being sick
  3. Hurt yourself while exercising too much
  4. Get a tick bite
  5. Burn yourself in the sun
  6. Spending too much time on screen
  7. Drink too much alcohol
  8. Buy too many things
  9. Stay in your comfort zone for the whole vacation
  10. Argue too much with somebody


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

ten ideas for what to do on vacation

  1. Spend a weekend in the summer cottage
  2. Have a barbeque
  3. Go fishing
  4. Go for a walk into the forest
  5. Go to a sports event
  6. Go swimming to a lake or to the see
  7. See your friends in the other cities
  8. Have some beers in a terrace
  9. Read books
  10. Watch a sunset
These are my ten ideas for spending time on vacation


Monday, July 10, 2017

10 ideas for what I should learn

10 ideas for what I should learn

  1. A new language
  2. How to get better ideas
  3. How to keep things in order instead of chaos
  4. How to cook great omelettes
  5. How to drink alcohol responsibly
  6. How to eat more vegetables
  7. How to get rid off my old stuff
  8. How to build better systems
  9. How to use a smartphone
  10. How to iron shirts properly


Sunday, July 9, 2017

10 ideas for things you should monitor

10 ideas for things you should monitor
  1. Developing a new habit
  2. Changing an old habit
  3. Time used at work
  4. Eating
  5. Drinking alcohol
  6. Exercising
  7. Sleeping
  8. Your progress in building a new skill
  9. Your finances
  10. How many different items you buy versus the items you get rid off


Saturday, July 8, 2017

10 Ideas 6.7-8.7

I had a short trip. Here are my ten ideas for 6.7, 7.7, and 8.7

10 ideas for habits you should have

  1. Go to sleep routine
  2. Not using smartphone after 10 pm.
  3. Reading a non-fiction book every day
  4. Sleeping 7-8 hours every day
  5. Moving your body with some way every day
  6. Habit of developing a new habit
  7. Habit of trying to change a bad habit every day
  8. Monitoring of developing a new habit
  9. Having the Most Important Task for every day
  10. Having enough breaks every day

10 ideas for habits you shouldn´t have

  1. Hitting a snooze after waking up
  2. Buying too much stuff
  3. Blaming others for failures
  4. using smartphone after 10 pm.
  5. Doing something else in bed except having sex or sleeping
  6. Complaining
  7. Giving up too easily
  8. Creating false expectations
  9. Believing what politicians are saying instead of figuring out what they are actually doing
  10. Focusing on thinking too much, instead of executing your ideas

10 ideas for things you should understand better

  1. Skills
  2. Willpower
  3. Habits
  4. Multitasking
  5. Finance
  6. Deliberate practice
  7. Other people
  8. Debt
  9. History
  10. Cycles


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ten ideas for ten ideas to invent in next ten days

Here are 10 ideas for 10 ideas to the next 10 days
  1. 10 habits you should have
  2. 10 habits you shouldn´t have
  3. 10 ideas for 10 things people should really understand
  4. 10 ideas what people should monitor during the day
  5. 10 ideas for what you should learn
  6. 10 ideas for what you should do on vacation
  7. 10 ideas for what you shouldn´t do on vacation
  8. 10 ideas what to avoid during work
  9. 10 ideas for psychological biases you should understand
  10. 10 ideas for the books you should read

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Ten ideas to be happier

Here are my 10 ideas to improve your happiness

  1. Interact more with happy people
  2. Interact less with unhappy people
  3. Do something meaninful every day
  4. Do not complain
  5. Do not live in a noisy neighborhood
  6. Go for a walk every day
  7. Find three things to be grateful every day
  8. Find three things that went well every day
  9. Try something new
  10. Buy experiences, not stuff


Monday, July 3, 2017

10 Ideas to improve your productivity

Here are my 10 ideas to improve your productivity:

  1. Stop multitasking
  2. Sleep more
  3. Have enough breaks while you are working
  4. Learn only from the best in your field
  5. Turn off ping from you emails
  6. Have less meetings
  7. Develop better systems for working
  8. Have a walk for at least half an hour every day
  9. Avoid difficult colleagues
  10. Avoid unnecessary talks with colleagues


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Ten ideas to improve your life

Here are my 10 ideas to improve your life:

  1. Complain less
  2. Watch less TV
  3. Watch less news
  4. Spend less time with your smartphone
  5. Say ”No” more often
  6. Spend more time with your loved ones
  7. Read more non-fiction
  8. Invent your own ideas instead of reading this crap
  9. Sleep more
  10. Stop multitasking


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Ten ideas to improve my life

Here are my 10 ideas to improve my life:

  1. Eat less crap
  2. Watch less TV shows
  3. Watch less news
  4. Have real breaks while learning
  5. Say ”No” more
  6. Exercise more
  7. Read more non-fiction
  8. See friends more
  9. Try to have better quality sleep
  10. Keep things in better order

The idea is to invent the easiest ideas first to get my idea muscle warming up